

Key terms relate to different services. A consultant will inspect and report on different items depending on the service purchased and the criteria relevant for each report is set out in the pre-inspection agreement for that service.

° (Abbreviation) 
Access hole (cover) 
An opening in flooring or ceiling or other part of a structure (such as service hatch, removable
panel) to allow for entry to carry out an inspection, maintenance or repair.
Accessible area 
An area of the site where sufficient, safe and reasonable access is available to allow inspection
within the scope of the inspection.
Accessory Unit(s) (as defined in the Unit Titles Act) 
Any area, usually with a specified purpose, which does not comproise part of the dwelling unit footprint, but is intended to be used in conjunction with the unit.
Note: – costs may be the exclusive responsibility of the owner(s) of the dwelling(s) whose title(s) records their interest in the accessory unit. Such units might be a garage, carport, carpark, deck, garden, implement shed, landing, service area or access way.
Administrative Fund 
A fund that is used by the Owners Corporation to cover the day-to-day expenses of the strata scheme. Such expenses may include electricity, water, cleaning, insurance premiums and general maintenance. This fund is drawn from the levies paid by all owners and proprietors.
Aggregate Unit Entitlement 
The total of all lot unit entitlements within the strata scheme.
Alarm signal 
An audible signal intended to indicate a fire condition
Alarm state 
The condition of a smoke alarm when it signals a fire condition
Ancillary Spaces and Buildings 
Any area, usually with a specified purpose, which does not comprise part of the dwelling unit footprint.
Annual General Meeting 
A meeting of the Executive Committee, Owners Corporation and owners within the strata scheme that is held once a year. Such meetings may involve amendments to by-laws, discussion of future planned works and analysis of levies and other financial issues.
Appeal (NATA) 
Request by the provider of the item of inspection to the inspection body for reconsideration by that body of a decision it has made relating to that item.
Appearance defect 
Fault or deviation from the intended appearance of a building element.
Arc of Operation 
The area defined by the movement of a gate from fully opened to fully closed.
Asbestos means the asbestiform varieties of mineral silicates belonging to the serpentine or amphibole groups of rock forming minerals including the following:
(a) actinolite asbestos
(b) grunerite (or amosite) asbestos (brown)
(c) anthophyllite asbestos
(d) chrysotile asbestos (white)
(e) crocidolite asbestos (blue)
(f) tremolite asbestos
(g) a mixture that contains 1 or more of the minerals referred to in paragraphs (a) to (f).
Asbestos Containing Dust or Debris (ACD) 
Asbestos-contaminated dust or debris (ACD) means dust or debris that has settled within a workplace and is, or is assumed to be, contaminated with asbestos.
Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) 
Asbestos containing material (ACM) means any material or thing that, as part of its design, contains asbestos.
Asbestos Management Plan 
An asbestos management plan (WHS Reg 429 and 432) is a written document that must be kept up to date, be readily accessible and transferable and must include information about the following:
(a) the identification of asbestos or ACMeg a reference or link to the asbestos register for the workplace and signage and labelling.
(b) decisions, and reasons for decisions, about the management of asbestos at the workplace eg safe work procedures and control measures.
(c) procedures for detailing incidents or emergencies involving asbestos or ACM at the workplace
(d) workers carrying out work involving asbestos eg: Consultation, responsibilities, information and training.
Asbestos Register 
An Asbestos Register (WHS Regulation 425) is written document which is kept up to date, is transferable and easily accessible and must
(a) record any asbestos or ACM identified at the workplace under regulation 422, or likely to be present at the workplace from time to time including:
(i) the date on which the asbestos or ACM was identified and
(ii) the location, type and condition of the asbestos or ACM or
(b) state that no asbestos or ACM is identified at the workplace if the person knows that no asbestos or ACM is identified, or is likely to be present from time to time, at the workplace.
Asbestos Related Work 
Asbestos-related work means work involving asbestos (other than asbestos removal work) that is permitted under the exceptions set out in regulation 419(3), (4) and (5).
Asbestos Removal Licence 
Asbestos removal licence means a Class A asbestos removal licence or a Class B asbestos removal licence under WHS Regulations Chapter 8.
Asbestos Removal Work 
Asbestos removal work means:
(a) work involving the removal of asbestos or ACM or
(b) in Part 8.10, Class A asbestos removal work or Class B asbestos removal work.
Asbestos Removalist 
Asbestos removalist means a person conducting a business or undertaking who carries out asbestos removal work.
Asbestos Waste
Asbestos waste means asbestos or ACM removed and disposable items used during asbestos removal work including plastic sheeting and disposable tools.
The assembly of components, natural or otherwise, that forms the intended barrier to the pool. The barrier includes items such as posts and panels, gates and doorsets or natural walls, sides of buildings, child-resistant windows, balustrades on a balcony, where they form part of the intended barrier.
Building and Site 
The main building (or main buildings in the case of a building complex) and all timber structures (such as outbuildings, landscaping, retaining walls, fences, bridges, trees, tree stumps and timber embedded in soil) and the land within the property boundaries up to a distance of 50 metres from the main building(s).
Building element 
Portion of a building that, by itself or in combination with other such parts, fulfils a characteristic
function. NOTE: For example supporting, enclosing, furnishing or servicing building space.
A set of pre-determined governing rules that the proprietors and occupants within the strata must follow. By-laws are generally determined at the First Annual General Meeting and may be amended in following meetings. Also called Articles or Rules.
CCTV (Abbreviation) 
Closed Circuit Television
Certificate of Title 
The title deed that is issued to the owner to prove ownership of the lot. Also issued to the Owners Corporation for the common property.
Certification, in relation to a specified VET course, means:
(a) a statement of attainment issued by an RTO stating that the person to whom it is issued has successfully completed the specified VET course or
(b) in the case of high risk work—a notice of satisfactory assessment stating that the person to whom it is issued has successfully completed the specified VET course or
(c) an equivalent statement or notice issued by a corresponding RTO.
Certified Safety Management System 
Certified safety management system, in Chapter 8, means a safety management system that complies with AS 4801:2001 (Occupational health and safety management systems), or an equivalent system determined by the regulator.
Chain of custody 
A series of procedures to account for the integrity of each sample by tracking its handling and storage from the point of sample collection to final disposal at the laboratory.
Child-resistant doorset 
A doorset that comprises a door, door frame, self-closing device and self-latching device, and designed to provide an access way from the building to the swimming pool.
Clandestine lab 
A property used for the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine.
Class means:
(a) in relation to high risk work, a class of work specified in Schedule 3
(b) in relation to asbestos removal work, Class A asbestos removal work or Class B asbestos removal work.
Class A Asbestos Removal Licence 
Class A asbestos removal licence means a licence that authorises the carrying out of Class A asbestos removal work and Class B asbestos removal work by or on behalf of the licence holder.
Class A Asbestos Removal Work 
Class A asbestos removal work means work that is required to be licensed under regulation 485.
Class B Asbestos Removal Licence 
Class B asbestos removal licence means a licence that authorises the carrying out of Class B asbestos removal work by or on behalf of the licence holder.
Class B Asbestos Removal Work 
Class B asbestos removal work means work that is required to be licensed under regulation 487, but does not include Class A asbestos removal work.
Clearance Certificate 
Clearance certificate are issued in accordance with Regulations. The licensed asbestos assessor or competent person must ensure that the asbestos removal area does not pose a risk to health and safety from exposure to asbestos.
Clearance Inspection 
Clearance Inspections are carried out by a licensed asbestos assessor after asbestos removal has been commissioned at a workplace. The licensed assessor must ensure that the asbestos removal area does not pose a risk to health and safety from exposure to asbestos.
Clearance report and certificate (Meth) 
A report and certification by a decontamination contractor, including confirmation by an accredited sampler, that a property has been decontaminated to the levels specified in the Methamphetamine Awareness and Sampling Technician Training Course as supplied by Decon Systems.
Clearance report and certificate (Meth) NZ 
A report and certification by a decontamination contractor, including confirmation by an accredited sampler, that a property has been decontaminated to the levels specified in the New Zealand Standard 8510:2017.
The person or other entity for whom the inspection is being carried out.
Combined Pool 
A part indoor or part outdoor pool.
Administration of an owners corporation is the responsibility of the committee, a group of owners elected to represent lot owners of the strata plan. The committee carries out duties on behalf of these owners, which generally involve maintenance and repair works throughout the common property, as well as enforcing by-laws.
Common Property 
The common areas of the strata building or community that are shared by all owners and proprietors. These areas include, but are not limited to, driveways, garages, common recreational areas, foyers, hallways, fencing and gardens. Maintenance and reparation works in these common areas are the responsibility of the strata company.
Common Property (NZ) 
An area that is owned collectively by all the unit owners and defined as such in the relevant documents.
Note – Individual unit owners have no particular right to any part of the common property and their interest is not recorded on title however they have a responsibility for paying a proportionate share of related outgoings. Areas can include gardens, driveways, roof spaces, exterior fabric of the building, service areas, units occupied by building managers etc.
Competent Person 
A competent person means:
(f) for a clearance inspection, a person who has acquired through training or experience the knowledge and skills of relevant asbestos removal industry practice and holds:
(i) a certification in relation to the specified VET course for asbestos assessor work or
(ii) a tertiary qualification in occupational health and safety, occupational hygiene, science, building, construction or environmental health
(g) for any other case, a person who has acquired through training, qualification or experience the knowledge and skills to carry out the task.
Complaint (NATA) 
Expression of dissatisfaction, other than appeal, by any person or organisation to an inspection body, relating to the activities of that body, where a response is expected.
Composite or Single Surface Wipe Sampling 
Recognised method of sampling single or multiple sites for nominated materials under investigation.
Conditions Conducive to Termite Activity 
Noticeable building deficiencies or environmental factors that may contribute to the presence of Termites.
Contamination-level assessment 
The process to determine the presence or absence of methamphetamine, or the extent and magnitude of methamphetamine contamination if present in a property.
Crystalline Silica 
Silica is silicon dioxide, a naturally occurring widely abundant mineral that forms the major component of most rocks and soils. There are non-crystalline and crystalline forms of silicon dioxide. Crystalline silica dust particles which are small enough to penetrate deep into the lung are termed respirable. Respirable crystalline silica may cause lung damage.
The process of reducing the level of methamphetamine contamination in a property by cleaning the property and its contents, or removing methamphetamine-contaminated materials from the property, or both.
Decontamination contractor 
A competent person or company contracted to decontaminate a methamphetamine-contaminated property.
Decontamination scope of work 
A detailed plan that sets out how a property is proposed to be decontaminated, including the methods and cleaning agents to be used.
Fault or deviation from the intended condition of a material, assembly, or component.
Detailed assessment 
An assessment by an accredited sampler to determine the extent and magnitude of methamphetamine contamination in a property.
The state or process of falling into decay or being in disrepair.
Dioxin is commonly used to refer to a family of toxic chemicals that all share a similar chemical structure and a common mechanism of toxic action. These include Polychlorinated dibenzo dioxins and dibenzo furans (see Furans) which are often unintentional by products of combustion. These are likely to be cancer causing to humans.
Discrete wipe sample 
A single sample taken from an area of 100 cm2 using a technique as outlined in one of the appropriate NIOSH standard methods or validated equivalent method.
EIFS (Abbreviation) 
External Insulation Finishing System
Encapsulation (Asbestos) 
Encapsulation of Asbestos Containing Materials is a general term for management strategies which may be advised. Depending on the product and location of it encapsulation will usually involve the application of a sealant product. Encapsulation by the use of partitions is not advised or generally allowable. Refer to your Inspector for more advice, encapsulation should always be undertaken by a trained and experienced and where required licensed technician.
Encapsulation (Meth) 
Applying a surface sealant to create a physical barrier for the purpose of decreasing or eliminating potential exposure to any residual contaminants that may remain following decontamination. Encapsulation is not a substitute for cleaning.
Contact with, or close proximity to, a substance by swallowing, breathing, or direct contact with the skin or eyes. Exposure may be short term (acute) or long term (chronic).
Exposure risk 
The likelihood of exposure to contaminants and their effects on people.
Fault signal 
An audible, or audible and visual, signal intended to indicate a fault condition
A barrier comprising a fence and associated gate or gates.
Fencing height 
The height perpendicular to the finished ground level at any point along the length of the fencing, measured on the outside of the fencing.
Field blank 
A swab that is handled by the sampler in the same way as a real sample but shall not contact any potential contaminated surface and is then analysed.
Field composite sample 
A sample comprised of multiple discrete wipe samples collected from separate locations but analysed as a single sample. A field composite sample result represents a sum or accumulation of each of the individual wipes.
Finished ground level 
A permanent stable surface
Fly Ash 
Fly Ash is one of the residues generated in combustions and comprises fine particles which rise with flue gases. Fly Ash is most commonly referred to the ash created during combustion of coal. Fly Ash may contain toxic particulates.
Friable Asbestos 
Friable asbestos means material that:
(a) is in a powder form or that can be crumbled, pulverised or reduced to a powder by hand pressure when dry and
(b) contains asbestos.
Furans are a type of Dioxin specifically, Polychlorinated dibenzo furans, PCDF’s which are likely to be cancer causing.
Any portion of the barrier, other than a child-resistant doorset, that is designed to provide an access way through the barrier.
Heavy Metals 
A heavy metal is a member of a loosely defined subset of elements that exhibit metallic properties. These metal may include NEPM Metals M15 (As,Be,Ba,Cd,Cr,Co,Cu,Pb,Ni,Mn,V,Zn,Hg), Cr6+,Cr3+
High-use area 
An area in a property that can be easily accessed and is regularly used by adults and children.
House only barrier 
A barrier that restricts access from the house to the pool, using doorsets and windows that are child-resistant.
House plus barrier 
A barrier that restricts access from the house to the pool, using doorsets and windows that are child-resistant, and adjoining properties to the perimeter barrier.
Impartiality (NATA) 
Presence of objectivity. Objectivity means that conflicts of interest do not exist or are resolved so as not to adversely influence subsequent activities of the inspection body.
Indoor pool 
A pool fully enclosed by a building.
Inside of the fencing 
That side of a fence or gate that faces the pool area.
In-Situ Asbestos 
In situ asbestos means asbestos or ACM fixed or installed in a structure, equipment or plant, but does not include naturally occurring asbestos.
Close and careful scrutiny of a building carried out without dismantling, in order to arrive at a
reliable conclusion as to the condition of the building.
Inspection (NATA) 
Examination of a product, process, service, or installation of their design and determination of its conformity with specific requirements or, on the basis of professional judgement, with general requirements.
Inspection Body (NATA) 
body that performs an inspection can be an organisation, or part of an organisation
Inspection Scheme (NATA) 
Inspection system to which the same specified requirements, specific rules and procedures apply. May also be referred to as ‘programmes’.
Inspection System (NATA) 
Rules, procedures, and management for carrying out an inspection. An inspection system can be operated at international, regional, national or sub-national level.
Person or organisation responsible for carrying out the inspection.
Inspector (NZ) 
A person, partnership or company qualified and experienced to undertake property inspections.
Instrument Testing 
Where appropriate the carrying out of Tests using the following techniques and instruments:
(a) electronic moisture detecting meter – an instrument used for assessing the moisture content of building elements
(b) stethoscope – an instrument used to hear sounds made by termites within building elements
(c) probing – a technique where timber and other materials/areas are penetrated with a sharp instrument (e.g. bradawl or pocket knife), but does not include probing of decorative timbers or finishes, or the drilling of timber and trees and
(d) sounding – a technique where timber is tapped with a solid object.
(e) T3I – an instrument used to detect movement, moisture and changes in temperature within timber
Isolation barrier 
A fence that isolates all unrelated pool ancillary structures from the pool area.
Laboratory composite 
The process by which discrete wipe samples are composited in the laboratory to produce an averaged result.
The party who leases land or buildings to the tenant
The landlord is referred to as the lessor in the Residential Tenancies Act
A financial contribution paid to the strata company by all owners to cover projected expenditures for the strata company. Such payments are generally made quarterly, and are based on lot entitlement.
Licensed Asbestos Assessor 
Licensed asbestos assessor means a person who holds an asbestos assessor licence.
Licensed Asbestos Removal Work 
Licensed asbestos removal work means asbestos removal work for which a Class A asbestos removal licence or Class B asbestos removal licence is required.
Licensed Asbestos Removalist 
Means a person conducting a business or undertaking who is licensed under these Regulations to carry out Class A asbestos removal work or Class B asbestos removal work.
Any factor that prevents full or proper inspection of the building.
Limitation (Strata) 
Any factor that prevents full or proper analysis of the strata documentation
Limited-use area/ Low-use area 
An area that is likely to be acessed only by adults and for short periods of time. This includes crawl spaces and wall cavities not used as duct runs that are unlikely to be renovated.
A sub-division of a property that is separately owned. This is generally an apartment or townhouse.
m (Abbreviation) 
Major – Asbestos 
A Major Defect in the context of an Asbestos Inspection and Condition Report is any Asbestos or ACM which is present in the building, in a poor condition or in a high risk situation. This may include but is not limited to Asbestos or ACM which has a higher probability of airborne fibre release due to age of materials, material deterioration, damage or probability of damage and degree of human interaction with or access to the element.
Major defect 
A defect of sufficient magnitude where rectification has to be carried out in order to avoid unsafe
conditions, loss of utility or further deterioration of the property.
Measuring ionization chamber (MIC) 
A laboratory instrument used to measure the effect of smoke on the current flow within an ionization chamber.
Membrane Filter Method 
Membrane filter method means the membrane filter method described in the Guidance Note on the Membrane Filter Method for Estimating Airborne Asbestos Fibres [NOHSC:3003 (2005)].
An amphetamine type stimulant that is highly addictive. Methamphetamine is a controlled substance, classified as a Class A (very high risk) drug under the Misuse of Drug Act.
Methamphetamine contamination 
A property or part of a property where the level of methamphetamine has been tested in accordance with this standard and found to exceed 0.5 micrograms/100 cm2 (Residential) or 10 micrograms/100 cm2 (Commercial).
Methamphetamine contamination NZ 
A property or part of a property where the level of methamphetamine has been tested in accordance with this standard and found to exceed 1.5 micrograms/100 cm2.
Methamphetamine production/manufacture 
The manufacture of methamphetamine, including processing, packaging, and storage of methamphetamine and associated chemicals.
Minor – Asbestos 
Minor in the context of an Asbestos Inspection relates to Asbestos which is found to be present in the building or on the site but that is in comparatively good condition with a low probability of fibre release. For example the Asbestos or ACM could be in a low traffic area, with little probability of interaction or use and is in good, encapsulated or sealed condition.
Minor defect 
A defect other than a major defect.
Minor Fault or Defect 
A matter which, in view of the age, type or condition of the residential building, does not require substantial repairs or urgent attention and rectification and which could be attended to during normal maintenance.
Note – Minor defects are common to most properties and may include minor blemishes, corrosion, cracking, weathering, general deterioration, unevenness, and physical damage to materials and finishes. It is common for most of these defects to be rectified over the first few years of ownership as redecoration and renovation are undertaken.
Documentation of the proceedings for meetings held by the Owners Corporation.
mm (Abbreviation) 
Multi Unit Property (ies) 
Any property that accommodates more than one residential dwelling unit and where the owners have collective obligations.
Note – Multi-unit properties will usually be owned under a body corporate, cross lease or company title where the relevant legislation along with the body corporate rules and unit plan, memorandum of lease and flat plan or constitution and occupation agreement define the areas of individual and collective responsibility.
Multiple station smoke alarm 
A smoke alarm with interconnection facilities for common alarm communication, or for connection to remote units
NATA means the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia.
NATA Accredited Laboratory 
NATA-accredited laboratory means a testing laboratory accredited by NATA, or recognised by NATA either solely or with someone else.
Naturally Occurring Asbestos 
Naturally occurring asbestos means the natural geological occurrence of asbestos minerals found in association with geological deposits including rock, sediment or soil.
Non-climbable zone (NCZ) 
A zone consisting of a barrier as well as the associated space within 900mm of the barrier, intended to inhibit climbing of the barrier by children. This includes any point along the length of the barrier and its associated space.
Non-Friable Asbestos 
Non-friable asbestos means material containing asbestos that is not friable asbestos, including material containing asbestos fibres reinforced with a bonding compound.
Note: Non-friable asbestos may become friable asbestos through deterioration (see definition of friable asbestos).
Office Bearers 
Three members of the Committee, as elected by lot owners and the Owners Corporation. Generally include a chairperson, secretary and treasurer.
OSH (Abbreviation) 
Occupational Safety and Health
Outdoor pool 
A pool not fully enclosed by a building
Outside of the fencing 
That side of a fence or gate that faces away from the pool area.
The individual or company that purchases a strata lot and is registered on the Certificate of Title.
Owner Builder 
The definition of an owner builder is subject to some state based variation. Please check the Building Commission or Authority website of your state for definitive classifications.

Generally an owner builder is someone who undertakes any work including supervision and coordination involved in the construction, alteration, repair, additions or renovations of a dwelling and associated infrastructure (garages, pools etc) where the market cost exceeds a minimum value (check your state based regulations), which relates to a single or dual occupancy dwelling and that requires planning and or building permits under state regulations.

Owners Corporation 
The legal entity consisting of all lot owners within the strata scheme. Generally formed in the first annual general meeting, or when a strata plan is registered.
PCBs (Abbreviation) 
Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Perimeter barrier 
Barriers primarily located along the property boundaries with no child-resistant doorsets or child-resistant windows from the house to the pool.
Personal possessions 
Items in a property that belong to the occupier but are not considered part of the property’s fixtures and fittings.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PHAs) 
PAH’s, also known as poly-aromatic hydrocarbons or polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, are fused aromatic rings and do not contain heteroatoms or carry substituents. Naphthalene is the simplest example of a PAH. PAHs occur in oil, coal, and tar deposits, and are produced as byproducts of fuel burning (whether fossil fuel or biomass).
Pool area 
The area that surrounds the pool that is separated from the rest of the allotment by a safety barrier
Post-decontamination assessment 
Sampling and assessment by an accredited sampler following decontamination in order to determine whether the decontamination process has been effective and the property meets the limits in this standard.
A substance from which another substance is formed. In the context of this report, it is a chemical (or one of several) used to create methamphetamine, and includes compounds or mixtures containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine.
Primary power supply 
The energy source to which a smoke alarm or accessory is connected to enable operation under normal conditions such as mains electricity or battery as distinct from a stand-by power supply.
Process (NATA) 
Set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs
Product (NATA) 
Result of a process many products comprise elements belonging to different generic product categories. Whether the product is then called service, software, hardware or processed material depends on the dominant element.
Proper and Tradesmanlike Workmanship (Aust)
As defined in the Guide to Standards and Tolerances in your state.
Proper and Tradesmanlike Workmanship (NZ)
As defined in the Guide to Tolerances.
Property Inspection (Inspection) 
A non-invasive visual inspection of a residential building carried out in accordance with section 2.3 of NZS 4306:2005.
Property Report 
The report referred to in section 3 of NZS 4306:2005.
RCD (Abbreviation) 
Residual Current Device
Readily Accessible Areas 
Areas which can be easily and safely inspected without injury to person or property, are up to 3.6 metres above ground or floor levels, in roof spaces where the minimum area of accessibility is not less than 600 mm high by 600 mm wide and subfloor spaces where the minimum area of accessibility is not less than 400 mm high by 600 mm wide, providing the spaces or areas permit entry. The term ‘readily accessible’ also includes:
(a) accessible subfloor areas on a sloping site where the minimum clearance is not less than 150 mm high, provided that the areas is not more than 2 metres from a point with conforming clearance (i.e. 400 mm high by 600 mm wide) and
(b) areas at the eaves of accessible roof spaces, that are within the consultant’s unobstructed line of sight and within arm’s length from a point with conforming clearance (i.e. 600 mm high by 600 mm wide).
Reasonable Access (NZ) 
Areas where safe unobstructed access is provided and the minimum clearances specified in table 1 of NZS 4306:2005 are available or where these clearances are not available, areas within the inspector’s unobstructed line of sight.
Note – It shall be clearly stated if no access was available, or access to limited areas only was available at the time the inspection was carried out.
Reasonably Practicable 
In most acts and regulations, ‘reasonably practicable’, in relation to a duty to ensure health and safety, means that which is, or was at a particular time, reasonably able to be done in relation to ensuring health and safety, taking into account and weighing up all relevant matters including:
(a) the likelihood of the hazard or the risk concerned occurring and
(b) the degree of harm that might result from the hazard or the risk and
(c) what the person concerned knows, or ought reasonably to know, about:
(i) the hazard or the risk and
(ii) ways of eliminating or minimising the risk and
(d) the availability and suitability of ways to eliminate or minimise the risk and
(e) after assessing the extent of the risk and the available ways of eliminating or minimising the risk, the cost associated with available ways of eliminating or minimising the risk, including whether the cost is grossly disproportionate to the risk.
Respirable Asbestos Fibre 
Respirable asbestos fibre means an asbestos fibre that:
(a) is less than 3 micrometres wide and
(b) more than 5 micrometres long and
(c) has a length to width ratio of more than 3:1.
Roof space 
Space between the roof covering and the ceiling immediately below the roof covering.
Safety Hazard – Asbestos 
Asbestos categorised as a safety hazard within the context of an Asbestos Inspection and Condition Report is Asbestos which due to its degraded condition, damage or any other factor in the opinion of the inspector requires immediate and urgent application of management strategies to minimise risk of further airborne fibre release until a more suitable strategy for its removal or encapsulation is made.
Sampling plan 
A plan detailing the type and number of samples to be taken, and the location where samples are to be taken.
The process, using a screening test, of identifying the presence or absence of methamphetamine or other contaminants in a property within stated detection and confidence levels.
Screening assessment 
An assessment by a screening sampler to determine whether or not methamphetamine is present.
Screening sampler 
A person who has successfully completed an approved course of instruction for sample collection and uses screening technology to test for the presence or absence of methamphetamine.
Screening sampler (NZ) 
A person who has successfully completed an approved course of instruction for sample collection and uses screening technology to test for the presence or absence of methamphetamine and who has received a statement of attainment in accordance with the New Zealand Qualifications Authorities.
Screening technology 
A general term to describe various types of screening test equipment and methods used to detect the presence of methamphetamine within specified limits.
Screening test 
A test, within the field or a laboratory-based test, using validated equipment and methodology that establishes, within known limits, whether a specific substance is or is not present.
Sensing assembly 
Those parts of the smoke alarm which produce an electrical change in response to changes in smoke density
The degree of response to the phenomenon being detected, that is, the presence of smoke.
Service (NATA) 
Result of at least one activity necessarily performed at the interface between the supplier and the customer, which is generally intangible.
Serviceability defect 
Fault or deviation from the intended serviceability performance of a building element.
Significant Fault or Defect 
A matter which requires substantial repairs or urgent attention and rectification.
Significant item 
An item that is to be reported in accordance with the scope of the inspection.
Single station smoke alarm 
A smoke alarm not intended to be interconnected to other units for common alarm purposes.
Sinking Fund 
Contributions made to this fund cover the cost of future projected expenditures. These may include general maintenance of the common areas, as well as planned replacement of building elements, such as floor coverings or roofing. Commonly referred to as a Reserve Fund.
Allotment of land on which a building stands or is to be erected.
Site inspection 
The act of implementing formally approved methods or procedures for determining the nature, extent, and levels of methamphetamine-related contamination present on a site and the potential risk posed to human and environmental health.
Smoke alarm 
A device containing a smoke detector and an alarm sounding device
Special Levy 
A levy that is paid as a lump sum by all owners to cover unplanned or unexpected expenditures. Special levies may be essential, e.g. maintenance to fire safety equipment, or non-essential, e.g. painting the exterior walls of the property.
Stand-by power supply 
The energy source which enables operation of the system in the event of failure of the primary supply.
Strata Plan 
The plan that subdivides the land of a strata scheme into lots and common property to be individually owned.
Strata Scheme 
The land or building(s) that is sub-divided into lots, which are individually owned. The strata scheme includes all lots as well as common areas, such as driveways, hallways, fencing, gardens and external walls and roofing. Generally a block of apartments, but may also be townhouses or commercial offices.
Structural defect 
Fault or deviation from the intended structural performance of a building element.
Structural element 
Physically distinguishable part of a structure. NOTE: For example wall, columns, beam, connection.
Subfloor space 
Space between the underside of a suspended floor and the ground.
Subterranean Termite Management Proposal 
A written proposal in accordance with Australian Standard AS 3660.2 to treat a known subterranean termite infestation and/or manage the risk of concealed subterranean termite access to buildings and structures.
A separate, detailed inspection and report that may require invasive and/or specialised testing equipment, and may require the specialist knowledge of a relevantly qualified expert.
Swimming pool 
Any excavation or structure containing water to a depth greater than 300mm and used primarily for swimming, wading, paddling or the like, including a bathing or wading pool, or spa.
The period of time where the property is occupied.
The party who pays rent to use or occupy land, a building, or other property owned by another. Also known as a renter.
Termite Activity 
Tell-tale signs associated with ‘active’ (live) and/or ‘inactive’ (absence of live) Termites at the time of inspection.
Termite Attack 
Termite Activity and/or Termite Damage.
Termite Damage 
Noticeable impairments to the integrity of timber and other susceptible materials resulting from attack by Termites.
Wood destroying insects belonging to the order ‘Isoptera’ which commonly attack seasoned timber.
Testing laboratory 
A laboratory that is accredited to test samples to determine the level of methamphetamine present.
Testing laboratory NZ 
A laboratory that is NZS IOS/IEC 17025 accredited to test samples to determine the level of methamphetamine present.
Additional attention to the visual examination was given to those accessible areas which the consultant’s experience has shown to be particularly susceptible to attack by Termites. Instrument Testing of those areas and other visible accessible timbers/materials/areas showing evidence of attack was performed.
Unit Entitlement 
The entitlement assigned to each individual lot, as shown on the strata plan. The entitlement is dependent on the size of the lot, as well as other varying factors. Entitlements determine the proportion of the total annual budgeted levies payable by each lot owner.
uPVC (Abbreviation) 
Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride
Urgent and Serious Safety Hazard
Building elements or situations that present a current or immediate potential threat of injury or disease to persons.
Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that the requirements for a specific intended use or application have been fulfilled.
Vendor Report 
A vendor report is bought and paid for by the Vendor. This is given as an example report to potential purchasers, however in order to rely on the report a potential purchaser must purchase a copy of the vendor report for themselves. This can be done via the Jim’s Building Inspections website at
WC (Abbreviation) 
Water Closet
Weathertightness Risk 
A: Wind Zone
Low risk – Low wind zone as described by NZS 3604
Medium risk – Medium wind zone as described by NZS 3604
High risk – High wind zone as described by NZS 3604
Very high risk – Very high wind zone as described by NZS 3604B: Number of storeys
Low risk – One storey
Medium risk – Two storeys in part
High risk – Two storeys
Very high risk – More than two storeysC: Roof/Wall intersection design
Low risk – Roof-to-wall intersection fully protected (e.g. hip and gable roof with eaves)
Medium risk – Roof-to-wall intersection partly exposed (e.g. hip and gable roof with no eaves)
High risk – Roof-to-wall intersection fully exposed (e.g. parapets or eaves at greater than 90deg to vertical with soffit lining)
Very high risk – Roof elements finishing with the boundaries formed by the exterior walls (e.g. lower ends of aprons, chimneys etc.)D: Eaves width*
Low risk – Greater than 600 mm at first floor level
Medium risk – 450 – 600 mm at first floor, or over 600 mm at second floor level
High risk – 100 – 450 mm at first floor, or 450 – 600 mm at second floor level
Very high risk – 0 – 100 mm at first floor, or 100 – 450 mm at second floor level, or 450 – 600 mm at third floor level^E: Envelope complexity
Low risk – Simple rectangular, L, T or boomerang shape, with single cladding type
Medium risk – More complex, angular or curved shapes (e.g. Y or arrowhead) with single cladding type
High risk – Complex, angular or curved shapes (e.g. Y or arrowhead) with multiple cladding types
Very high risk – As for High risk, but with junctions not covered in C or F of this table (e.g. box windows, pergolas, multi-storey re-entrant shapes etc.)F: Deck design
Low risk – None, timber slat deck or porch at ground level
Medium risk – Fully covered in plan by roof, or timber slat deck attached at first or second floor level
High risk – Enclosed deck exposed in plan or cantilevered at first floor level
Very high risk – Enclosed deck exposed in plan or cantilevered at second floor level or aboveNote:
* Eaves width measured from external face of wall cladding to outer edge of overhang, including gutters and fascias.
^ Balustrades and parapets counts as 0 mm eaves.This definition is taken directly from Appendix A of NZS 4306:2005 Residential Property Inspection. This appendix is sourced from the Department of Building and Housing’s acceptable Solution to the New Zealand Building Code Clause E2/AS1 External Moisture. Refer to E2/AS1 for the risk matrix and evaluation.
Young child 
A child under the age of five years